Valentine’s Day. A red letter day.
So many Valentine’s festivities around here that I almost for got today was the day. I read a statistic that 85 percent of all Valentines are purchased by women. That was the case around here. I purchased all mine…but look what my sweethearts gave me this morning.
My kindergarten son asked if you could be arrested for making a paper wallet. I said no, you can be arrested for making paper money. That seemed to relieve him.
His Valentine gift to me was a “church wallet.” Alas, it was empty.

My church wallet.
Maybe I should take my tithe to the storehouse in it. It has very small paper pouches, but that probably would be enough room. We don’t have much wheat or barley around here to cram in our portion.
Here is the Valentine from my daughter. I like it very much.

From dear daughter.
Here is the valentine from out 16 year-old.

Okay. I made that. But if he had remembered to give me a Valentine, that would have been a good one for him. Like when you look over the racks of cards at the store…reading and reading (sometimes laughing, sometimes thinking that’s stupid)… and then you come across the card and think, “That’s it. That says it perfectly for me.”
That’s how my son would feel if he went out and ever, ever bought me a card.
Then here’s the one I got from my husband.

A dozen roses.
I love it! Though he had to tell me later it was a dozen roses. It doesn’t look like twelve does it? But if you sit and count them, there are definitely twelve. I shall not tell you what he wrote on the back ~ but it was very lovely.
Soo happy, Happy Valentine’s Day to you. A red letter contruction paper kind of day.
Sounds like you have a great husband.
And he’s very smart too. He chose me didn’t he?
YOU are very blessed, my lady! We need to talk soon…..