Musing on sons who go to Prom. Just another mom’s pictures.

Musing on sons who go to Prom. Just another mom’s pictures.

I finally got the pictures I took of my son before Prom loaded on my computer.

I didn’t realize this going to Prom thing was such a big deal.

He took a friend, a beautiful young lady, Emily Bearden, as his date — and a group met out at her family’s farm for pictures.


There was a bus waiting to take the crowd to Athens.  Blake Rector was thrilled the bus included a jungle-gym. (Does anyone use that phrase anymore?)


Lots of pictures.


After a bit my husband started drifting back to cue that I need to wrap things up.

I’m not one to get overly sentimental at milestones.

It’s usually the odd little things that have a big impression on me.

But seeing my son and his friends dressed up — all I kept thinking is …next time I see him like this, it might be at his wedding, at his friend’s wedding.

I had more unexpected chills during that 45 minutes than I felt all last winter exercising outside.

Everyone of us reacts differently to the passage of time.

It’s universal. Look at all the blogging about breast-feeding woes, first birthday amazement, first day of kindergarten…

Intellectually we know these things will happen, but when it occurs — it’s as if a mini-earthquake erupts in our hearts.

I don’t do earthquakes very well.

I love watching my oldest son and his friends mature..Not that it’s easy.

When I’m going to stop expecting life to be easy?

3 responses to “Musing on sons who go to Prom. Just another mom’s pictures.”

  1. blogomomma says:

    I’m not going to lie – the only good thing about the passage of time is that the little baby you couldn’t kiss or squish enough turned out to be more handsome or beautiful than you had imagined.

    *handing you a tissue, and taking one for myself* Blow! 🙁

  2. Jamie Miles says:

    It is funny…to think this man was the little one I used to chase around at the zoo.

  3. john miles says:

    We must have done something right to have a son who turned out that good. And I wasn’t telling you it was time to leave, I was dealing with a family crisis – note the phone to my ear,

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