Musing on Football Picture Day @MorganCoHs. Hike, hike, hike. (Isn’t that what they say?)

Musing on Football Picture Day @MorganCoHs. Hike, hike, hike. (Isn’t that what they say?)

Yesterday was Picture Day for the 2011 Morgan County Bulldogs.

Senior players and cheerleaders have their picture taken with mom and dad. I only found out about this from an inadvertent mention by another mom.

It’s too bad for if I had missed my son’s Senior Football pic that would have surely sealed snagging the Mother of the Year award.

My crew. On time. A slight moral victory.


It was white hot outside. Someone was really thinking to have pictures made in the gym.


The Coach Peaster clan.


Will Collier grew a half an inch while waiting in line.


Laura Margaret checking how her stock portfolio closed.



Head Coach Bill Malone and wife, Lady, discussing who will swing by Pizza Hut on the way home.



Birthday boy Coach Dennis Stizmann. The medic who saw me moments after my knee broke in half.



More Sitzmanns. Kim -- my running partner before she had find someone who could actually run.

Key Malone. Wondering what kind of pizza dad will bring home?



This picture was followed by lots of begging for Amanda to come babysit her instead of big brother.



We made it.


Yes. Football pics over for another year. Be sure to see all of those good-looking football players, cheerleaders and staff in the Citizen Supplement and MCHS Football Program.

The season kicks off with a scrimage tonight.

I have a high school senior. This is all starting to become very real.

Any advice?


4 responses to “Musing on Football Picture Day @MorganCoHs. Hike, hike, hike. (Isn’t that what they say?)”

  1. Julie Speyer says:

    My advice? Bring the camera and kleenex everywhere you go! I don’t even have a senior and it makes me cry…so the kleenex may be for me! Love you! Love these pictures! See you at the scrimmage!

  2. Jamie Miles says:

    Julie — I told Shannon Collier that it would be worse if they all didn’t look so good.

    And I found pictures of that dove shoot we went to when all the kids were in primary school. There’s one of Jack that is so precious. I’ll give it to you if I can find the heart to turn loose of it.

  3. john miles says:

    Why does the camera make me look fatter than I am?

  4. Jamie Miles says:

    I know John — you and me both. Sure it had to do with the manipulation of picture I had to do to get it into frame. I need to make us taller not wider.

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