Musing on Easter Egg Fights.

Musing on Easter Egg Fights.

I have a friend Karen.

She held an egg fight at her house yesterday.

I'm standing way back. Like in the next county.


If you’ll notice, there aren’t egg guts stuck to everything and everyone.

She, the amazing woman I used to think was human — but now I’m not so sure –took the egg guts out of umteen dozen eggs, dyed the eggs and filled them with confetti.

She did that…for real.


I asked her when she started preparing for this. Her answer, “Last Easter.”

The kids absolutely went into spasms.

No. This is never going to happen at my house. I’ll send my three out into the yard with a dozen dyed, boiled eggs and see what happens.

It was a perfect day.

A year’s work of effort — gone in three minutes.

Just think how many birds will have colorful lining for their spring nests.

3 responses to “Musing on Easter Egg Fights.”

  1. Karen Griffith says:

    I’m still human…my sister (the one from whom I stole the idea), that’s questionable! I have a great picture of you…well, you behind your hair and arms defending yourself. Didn’t tell you that your daughter begged for more eggs (remember, she was older, went first…) “I’ve got to have more to throw at my brother!”
    Great day! Thanks for being a part of it!

  2. Jamie Miles says:

    I forgot mention your husband Dave. For without his egg consumption all year long none of this could have been possible.

  3. john miles says:

    The low cholesterol kids activity

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