This wasn’t what they looked like in the catalog…
I really, really can’t stand to do laundry but it is a necessary evil.
No, it’s not evil per se. Honestly, I don’t mind the filling the washer, folding the warm dry clothes and putting them away. Okay, I do hate putting clothes away or taking them to my children’s room where they just sit because they don’t care to put them away.
What is evil is the incredible time suck doing laundry is!
One recent morning lifting clothes out of dry to fold, I picked up this little white cotton t-shirt. It was so deliciously warm. Holding it in my hands, I tried to figure out how to fold it. I couldn’t find the sleeves. But then I discovered what I thought looked sleeves were also what I thought was the neck opening to the wee crew of the t-shirt.
Was this some sleeveless 4T muscle shirt? If so,where was the neck opening?
For pity’s sake. The more I wrestled with the article of clothing, it became apparent it was…….

Not, mine. I Swear.
How on earth? It was a size 8. I surmised “it” was female for there were no openings up front. The clincher clue was that the brand tag on the inside read “Lollipop.”
From whence did this size 8, gargantuan pair of female “Lollipop” underwear spring forth?
First, ruled out two little ones. Just no way.
From there, I didn’t know. The pair must be somehow connected to my teenager rather than my husband. I hope. I think I hope? That evening, none of the main suspects were forthcoming with any answers.
Feverishly racking my brain, it came to me. Living in a century old house, they must belong to…a ghost.
A rather modest ghost.
But I like that. I shall fold up the “Lollipops” and put them on the stairwell sewell post sitting there ready for her this evening. She’ll appreciate having clean underwear after who knows how long. She must have been so desperate one night she threw them in the laundry pile.
I like that our ghost is into cleanliness and modesty. 🙂
Maybe there’s hope for the rest of us.
Have a great weekend.
There’s something we need to talk about…….
Like what we are having for dinner tonight talk about???
hahahahhahaha! This is so random! I love it! Its the little incidents like this that make life interesting.