Chatting Sun and Shaving with my Tween Queen. $50 Visa card #giveaway
Who doesn’t remember their first beach crush? Or their first serious sunburn?

Mom: I can’t believe you’re wearing make-up, even if it’s only lip-gloss… and shaving your legs. Out of mom-curiosity, when I bought you a razor, why didn’t you come to me before trying it out? Hannah: Cause I didn’t need your help. Mom: You didn’t need your mama? Weren’t you afraid you’d cut yourself? Hannah: Nope. Every tween girl knows how to shave. Like brushing your teeth. Or riding a bike. Duh. Mom smiles Mom: Do your friends shave? Do you talk about it? Hannah: Yes, Mama. My friends shave and sometimes we talk about it. Some people are mean to other people — saying they don’t need to shave. That bothers me. Mom: Well, I’m glad you are not afraid to talk to me about it. And while we’re chatting, who is that cute boy you’ve been talking to at the pool? Hannah: You mean Zach? Mom: Yes, Zach. Hannah: Oh, mom. Insert rolling of eyes. Mom: How about next time we try a razor made for moms and tweens… Hannah: Like pink baby oil? Mom: No silly – just the opposite.
A great way to take care of your legs, leaving them silky smooth and moisturized after a day at the beach is with VenusEmbrace razors and Satin Care Shave Gel. Both expert and novice alike will embrace the Venus shaving experience. And Satin Care Passionista Fruit Shave Gel helps you get a smooth, close shave and leaves you feeling sleek and silky, babying sensitive skin with extra moisturizers leaving your legs ready for summer fun.
For more tips from Gillette on how to talk to your daughter about shaving click here.
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My mother always told me about the importance of sunscreen. She has great skin and I think I should listen to her!
i feel like i open all of my comments to you the same.
“sweet jamie.”
but that’s exactly how i feel when i read your words.
love this dialogue.
love this moment.
lovin’ all of it with you.
Love your comments Katie. And Hannah Katie idolizes you. She probably knows what razor you use.
wash your face twice a day and exfoliate once a week
Love this, sweet Jaime! My girl is *just* getting old enough for these convos and I’m so very thankful for examples like these to lead my way!
{And sunscreen! Do you hear me young lady?! :)}
My mother told me to moisturize and always wear sunscreen when I am outside.
my mom told me to ALWAYS apply sunscreen on your face everyday.
the best beauty tip I ever got is to use sunscreen every day
My mom also told me to wear sunscreen and I am so happy she did!
family74014 at gmail dot com
My mom alway reminded me how important it was at night to wash-away-the-day off my face.. (makeup, dirt, oils etc)
helped keep my skin looking clear 🙂
lzamudio02 @ hotmail .com
lzamudio02 @ hotmail .com
The best beauty tip I’ve given is to wash your face every night before bed especially if you have makeup on because in the summer your pores are open more.
funniest beauty mishap: my first perm at 8 years old when my friends thought i was wearing a wig and tried to pull my hair off!
Ha Tiffany you made me think of many home perms I fell victim to. Not good.
my best beauty tip is to always wear sunscreen! the sun damage you get as a kid will affect you as an adult!
my mishap was blue eyeliner, yuck!
My daughter kept asking if she could start shaving her legs; my advice to her was to let the thighs go and just shave from the knees down..since both of us are fair-skinned, you can’t even tell we don’t shave above the knees. We also moisturize after shaving as soon as we get out of the drying beforehand.
Oh that was so typical in your converstation! I alway worry about cutting your legs too! I think those shaving gels help alot!
I tweeted
The beauty tip I give my daughter is to wear her hair up in the summer months, either in ponytails or buns, to keep her cool and her skin free of sweat.
i always told my daughter to take pride in her appearance
i tweeted here:
use lots of sunscreen
Always use sunscreen and reapply often.
My best beauty tip – always remember to wear sunscreen. It’s just a simply step daily but goes a long way to keep your skin healthy.
tcarolinep at gmail dot com
Summer and sunscreen; couldn’t agree more! We all hated it as kids and now wish we had worn more. Lol. My beauty tip is all about the moisturizer. Can’t live without it!
You two look like you have a real close relationship. My mom was always there for me growing up & I couldn’t respect her anymore for it now than then. I love her to death. Wait till she tells you how much she appreciates you being mom {…someday}! =D
That is such a wonderful thought Jacklyn. I’ll try to remember that going into the teen years.
My mom told me to wear sunscreen all the time
I love gilette, they have great products!
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I’d love to win. I think it’s really important to always keep your toenails looking polished, since i wear sandals 24/7!
Thanks for the tips. Agree sunscreen is important, I hope it helps with aging too.
songyueyu at gmail
songyueyu at gmail
I don’t yet have a daughter, but I believe that spf protection on our face is essential
sometimes less make up is more
When we were younger my sister stole my liptsick and smeared it all over her face, and she thought she looked pretty. It was too funny.
My only tips to my daughters are to wear what makes them feel good.
always pluck your eyebrows and use moisturizer
Be sure to wash your hair after swimming in the local pool or it may turn green. My daughters has one friend who had green hair all summer due to the chlorine.
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I do not see an actual sweepstakes prompt anywhere on your post, so I will just comment on the post itself. I hope this is OK! First lucky you growing up by the beach! I would have loved that! 2nd, I have never heard of the iodine baby oil thing! Freaky!!
I tweeted here:
Wear a hat as well as the sunscreen & sunglasses when you’re out & about drinking the water you always have by your side.
Thanks for the contest.
My worst beauty mishap was using the wrong haircolor shade and dyeing my hair blonde!
runningmatey at hotmail dot com
my fave beauty tip Natural hair is always hot
My beauty tip is applying vaseline to feet at night with socks makes your feet softer
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
my best beauty tip was apply moisturizer directly after a shower even before you dry off for silky smooth soft skin! Thanks for a super giveaway!
Thanks for the chance to win!
email: anashct1 [at] yahoo [dot] com