A moment to think on thanks.

A moment to think on thanks.

Joining up with a new link up I saw today.

Ten Things Thankful. That’s just what I needed to turn the start of any frown upside down.


10.   Riding with my friend on her first real bike ride.

Well, of course my running friend Kim had been on a bike before, but she recently wanted to try cycling. She got on Facebook. Found a bike from a friend. Got is tuned up and here we are this afternoon.

We stopped by her parent’s house to say hey. When I asked her mom to take our photo, she made sure we positioned ourselves in front of her zinnias.


9.  Good friends to run with.

Kim, has been meeting me in the dark on Saturday mornings for years now. She’s stayed patient with me as my knee deteriorated. So excited that we can bike together now. Much nicer to bike an hour on a 85 degree Sunday afternoon — than run an hour.

8.  My son who turned 20 yesterday.

I’m thankful that he wanted to come home and spend it with his family (as along as his girlfriend came too.)


7.   I’m thankful that we are remodeling our house.

I’ve complained about this process but I’m so thankful that we will have a beautiful new space. One day.

6.  For the beautiful weather we’ve been having.

 I love warm weather and being outside. I always am thankful on days like today and think of how it will feel and look outside four months from now.

5.   Thankful for a great, loving small town church community.

4.  Sweet Tea.

I had a big Styrofoam cupful at church lunch today. Soooo good.

3.   Thankful the sale of my mother’s house closed last Friday.

Though it makes me sad that part of my life is gone — Mom can now buy a house up here and live the rest of her life near us. She was a Georgia girl and she’s happy to be coming back.

2.  For children who spontaneously clean up their rooms and the kitchen.

I know that such children exist somewhere in the world. I am thankful for that gives me hope that one day my three will do such.

1.  A group of people who love me just the wacky way the Lord put me together.

This renovation has been stressful at times — but we are making it.

What about you? What are you thankful for this Sunday?

Ten Things of Thankful

13 responses to “A moment to think on thanks.”

  1. Louise says:

    I was about to be jealous of your children who cleaned their rooms – then I read through to the end. Those kids give me hope as well… And what exactly is your son doing in the photo? Shark fishing? And is that on a cake? I really tried to figure it out as it looked interesting.

  2. Jamie Miles says:

    My son lives to fish. Especially for sharks. (He releases them back to bite another day.) Yes. They can take the photo and put it on the cake. I was wondering what to do since a Spiderman or Twilight cake really wouldn’t work.

  3. Considerer says:

    I love cycling, and dislike walking/running (but am meeting with a friend weekly to do it anyway) and am very envious of your warm weather. Ours has just turned nasty and autumnal.

    I’m glad that your Mom’s going to move closer – it’s nice when family (well, family you like) are close at hand, though it’s always a little bit ‘pang-y’ when something ends an era in life.

    Onwards and upwards.

    And YES to tea, though I don’t take mine sweet 🙂

    Thanks for linking up – you have a truly gorgeous list as your debut.

  4. May says:

    lol….you let me know when you find those children, won’t you?

    Hope your mom maintains a sense of peace as she goes through the move and all the change that comes with it.

  5. Jamie Miles says:

    Thanks for the warm welcome. I am glad for these warm early fall days. When the humidity lowers in a few weeks. It’s perfect. And even though growing up in the South my entire life, I’m a late concert to sweet tea. I love to savor a glass on a hot afternoon.

  6. Jamie Miles says:

    Thanks May. We hope to close on her house in the next few days.

  7. Lisa says:

    Today I am thankful for football, and yes, will still feel the same 17 wks from now. It is something my husband and I enjoy together. Now Max, turning 8 this month, is really getting into it as well.

    I am thankful for things that bring family together.

  8. christine says:

    Remodeling a house is not easy. At all. But from someone who is on the other side of it, remodeling is sooooo worth it. Good luck getting through the last phase.
    I want to know where these hypothetical cleaning children live.
    What pretty zinnias to pose in front of. 🙂
    The shark photo on the cake scares me. I can’t believe that is your son.
    What a bittersweet experience, selling your mom’s house. I pray the transition goes well for all of you.
    Thanks for linking up with us this week!

  9. Considerer says:

    Seen you all over the place in this hop already – you’re my kind of people 🙂

    And I TOTALLY forgot to notice the zinnias! They’re gorgeous 😀

  10. I was an avid bike rider as a kid. I went for about ten years between college and getting married where I never rode; then, my husband and I lived at the beach so we bought bikes. Somewhere in those 10 years, I lost my bike riding mojo, and I fell over a lot. Fortunately, it was only when riding very slowly. I haven’t ridden in about 16 years now. I think I’ll stick to the elliptical machine. I fall off of it often enough.

    I love sweet tea, but don’t allow myself to indulge in it very often, since it has a zillion calories.

    Happy birthday to your son!

  11. Kristi says:

    Thanks for linking up. The zinnias are a great backdrop! 🙂

  12. I too, recently discovered the TToT hop and it has been such a blessing reading everyone’s posts. Glad to have a fellow Southerner in the gang!

    I love your post! I also love Sweet Tea and the hope that my children will one day spontaneously clean up their rooms! That one made me laugh out for sure!

    Hope you have a great week!

  13. Considerer says:

    *SO* glad he releases them 🙂

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