Musing about driving to Georgia Boys State — and Starbucks.

Musing about driving to Georgia Boys State — and Starbucks.

I’m tired.

I got up at 4:15 yesterday morning to drive with my husband down to Georgia Southern in Statesboro to pick up my son from a week at GA Boys State —  a nationwide network of camps sponsored by the American Legion.

They were having graduation at 8:15. So we set out at 5 a.m.

He slept and I drove to Augusta,  then down through Waynesboro. When we sped through Millen, I needed coffee. The only thing I needed more than coffee at this point was to find a bathroom to relieve myself of earlier coffee.

I put Statesboro and Starbucks in the GPS. My husband hates when I do this but he had to go to the bathroom, so he was in favor of a stop — this time.

We got coffee and headed to Georgia Southern. The graduation was in the Performing Arts Center. We had to leave our brand new, hot coffee in the car.

Darned if it wasn’t cold when we got back in the car.

I wanted more Starbucks. My husband and son grumbled.

I persisted in my desire for more java through the rolling eyes, the GPS that refused to give us a map, the son’s and husband’s barbs.

After about 15 minutes of picking our way through Statesboro not knowing where we were (and me enduring lots of hate talk),  we made it back to the same Starbucks. 

Picking him up at his dorm. He's happy because he's going to sleep all the way home and he hasn't heard about me wanted to stop by Starbucks.

My husband obviously didn’t think about personal space bounderies when he took this picture. I enjoyed hearing about my son’s week as a representive of Smith City, Jefferson County — along with my coffee on the way back.

You have to pick your battles.

I stood my grounds and came through VICTORIOUS.

Yay me.

5 responses to “Musing about driving to Georgia Boys State — and Starbucks.”

  1. Ann says:

    What did we do before coffee and gps?

  2. Jamie Miles says:

    I know. Coffee has been keeping people functioning for centuries. Monks used to chew on coffee beans trying to stay awake transcribing in their monasteries. I guess since they never went anywhere the GPS would have been little use to them.

  3. John Miles says:

    I demand equal time. The GPS always knows best.

  4. Jamie Miles says:

    You do not like when I mess with her…admit it.

  5. john miles says:

    It’s because she gets mad. You know I’m a rule follower.

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