Ten things that made me smile this week.

Ten things that made me smile this week.

Well, it’s the 17th of November. I’ve been able to post something fabu-stupendous every NaBloMoPo Day.

No. Not stupendous but I have managed to eek something out that would pass as a post.

Today, I’m linking up with the Ten Things of Thankful fold. Because they are very dear bloggy types. And it always does a soul good to give thanks.


10.   Thankful for my Kimmie. 

This was us last night at a birthday party tor our other running bestie.

Today is Kim’s birthday. Happy one to her.  The youngster that she is.



9.    Thankful for rain.

We have had lots of clouds the last few days but no real rain for weeks. This afternoon a good bit is coming down and my broccoli, lettuce and collard greens are drinking tons.  They are so very happy.

8.   Thankful that I think I found a backsplash for our new kitchen yesterday.

7.    Thankful that the heat came on in our house last week. 

The painters were working away last week. (For those who don’t know, we are in middle of eternal renovation.)  It was very cold and paint won’t dry on cold plaster walls. So we tried and tried to get the heat on with no luck.

Just as I had dialed the heating repair shop, the contractor came to tell me the blessed heat had risen from the ashes like the bustling metropolis 52 miles to our west.

6.   Thankful there is a elliptical waiting for me at the gym this rainy afternoon.

Which is where I’m heading after I hit publish.

5.   Thankful that I’m in the middle of some good books. Though I fall asleep after reading a page or three.

4.   I get to read on the elliptical.  And get to read a lot more than three pages.

3.   Thankful that I have an appointment and the money to get my hair color touched up boo-ti-ful this coming week. 🙂

2.    Thankful my son asked for an apple as an snack.

1.     Thankful there is another week till Thanksgiving. This month is moving way too fast………

Ten Things of Thankful

18 responses to “Ten things that made me smile this week.”

  1. tiffani says:

    I just caught up on all your posts! I love that you are posting everyday, more for me to read. xoxo

    I know you aren’t going to get in your house by Thanksgiving but I will pray for Christmas for you. xoxo

  2. Jamie Miles says:

    Hey girlie. Yes. Keep praying for things to move along. 🙂

  3. Considerer says:

    Reading on the elliptical! That’s hardcore! Hope you had fun 🙂

    Your son’s awesome! Apples are such a CHORE to eat! Good for him!

    I’m glad your heating came on and that you are (somehow) happy about the rain. I guess it is good for the vegetables…

    Happy birthday to your friend 🙂 Enjoy the celebrations 🙂

    And happy haircut for this week 😀

  4. So you are still coloring your hair. I have been curious as to how that would play out. 🙂 Yes, November is SCREAMING by!

  5. zoe says:

    when I first saw your blog is when I decided to let my hair go gray. Find it rather ironic that your coloring yours now. I have to say though it looks great! Happy birthday to your friend! And happy hair coloring to you! Have a great week!

  6. Cyndi says:

    Love your list. And nice to meet you. Hehe. I’m not sure where you are in the world, but the thought of not having heat puts me in a sub-hypothermic state. Haha, not really, but I shudder at the cold. Glad the whole heating situation did work out, though. And thanks for your sweet comment over at my blog. 🙂

  7. Lots of good reasons to smile on this list! Rain, where I love it is always such a blessing too! Love a kid who asks for an apple, you a doing something right for sure! 🙂 Have a great week ahead, happy ongoing house project!

  8. christine says:

    That kitchen reno is long, but it will be worth it!!

    The workout equipment at the gym has been waiting for me for about 5 years. It will be waiting another one or two more. 🙂

    Care to share which books you are enjoying?

  9. I love your posts, too. And signed up for nanowrimo and have 40 words so feel like a sucky failure. Good for you for doing the blog version (I didn’t do that one either). LOVE the photo. The heat came on in our house, too. I love good books, too. Have you ever read Room? That’s the one I loved most recently.

  10. I completely agree that the month is moving way too quickly… way too fast! Here’s to finishing the month strong, Jamie!!

  11. MizYank says:

    So glad to see someone else is as grateful as I am for the well-timed hair appointment. I love these gratitude posts –really helps us all keep our focus where it belongs, which is on the sunny side.

  12. Jamie Miles says:

    Oh Zoe. I’m sure I’ll out grow this. Turning 50 was much harder on me than I expected. It’s just one thing I can control. For now.

  13. Jamie Miles says:

    Yes Jen I am. I like it for now. But that could change in a few months.

  14. Jamie Miles says:

    Christine — a friend gave me one of Nora Ephron’s and I was hooked. Fascinated by her. I’m reading everything she wrote. Now in middle of Heartburn. Also got a David Sedaris I need to start.

  15. DonettaS says:

    Great picture. Reading your post made me smile. Glad your heat came on and I fall asleep trying to read all the time. I’ll be 37 Friday and I have a bit of grey on top that I have had about a year, that I keep dyed. I’m not sure if it’s something a person inherits because my mom was young when she begin to get grey hair. It’s funny because most of the time grey hair on men makes them seem distinctive somehow and on women, or just me, I feel old. lol. Your son asking for an apple is something to be thankful for. I always love when my daughters want a healthy snack. My 7 year old loves yogurt and my 11 year old loves apples, and most fruits. Though her braces have restricted her from eating certain things. Hope you have another wonderful week.

  16. Diane says:

    Oh your list had such a happy vibe to it! Well…except maybe the elliptical part. Obviously that’s just me. 😉

    Glad you found your backsplash!

  17. Dhriti says:

    Such a nice post, we should be thankful for so many things in our life, we often forget in the course of time. Good job!!

  18. I have a love/hate relationship with the elliptical machines. Mostly hate. I do love getting the exact machine I want. Happy that I seldom fall off anymore. Ours at the Y have tvs attached, so I watch that while I (what do you do, anyway? ellip?), because we don’t have cable at home and it’s my one chance to watch the crap everyone else gets to watch all the time. And you can do it and READ? You are obviously so much more advanced than I at the elliptical!

    Heat is always good. I hate being cold. And I’m not ready to give in to letting my hair go gray, either. I started having kids late, so my kids’ friends’ moms are all ten years younger than me (at least!). Can’t look like I’m everyone’s grandma, can I?

    I also read a page or three before falling asleep, then dropping the book on my chest and waking myself up.

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