Watermelon problems.

Watermelon problems.

What do you do with a tropical storm blowing outside?


Well, the Miles Family does art work.

As in coloring.



My father-in-law.

And me.

I worked really hard on the shading above Ken’s upper lip. It took me over three hours.


*   *   *

Well, we made it home yesterday and I went out to my garden.

I noticed one watermelon was doing pretty good.


While others weren’t where they’re supposed to be.

I’ve puzzled this.

How do you untangle the vine and put it back on the ground?

I’ve never figured out how.

It is like a storm ruining your beach trip.

You just can’t fix somethings.

This watermelon’s story is most probably not going to end up very pretty.

But it is what it is.

Sometimes the weather and watermelon have a mind of their own.

Don’t cha think?

2 responses to “Watermelon problems.”

  1. Tell John he is a very good colorer.

    Tropical storm Alberto hit us at Amelia in June – we just played Sequence over and over until we were sick of it.

  2. Jamie Miles says:

    John and his father are very good with their Crayolas. Lots of time spent shading.

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