Green Friday or What Tim Tebow is dressing up as for Halloween.

Jack's Creek Christmas Tree Farm
I was going to scream if I heard “Black Friday” one more time!
It’s not really merchants’ fault, the media just went on and on…Maybe you can relate if I mention the phrase,
I’m sure some of you screamed, but it’s really not his fault ~ he is truly too good to be human. It’s just the media goes on and on and on about his supernatural goodness.
Joke…”What did Superman dress up as for Halloween?”
“Tim Tebow.”
But this is not about Black Friday or Tebow. This is about “Green Friday.” The day after Thanksgiving when the Miles’ family goes out to Jack’s Creek to buy our tree making beautiful memories for the rest of our lives.
Well, that’s the way it used to be, until our children got older and decided they would rather hang out with visiting cousins than head out to the trees with mom and dad. And our teenager was at Auburn v. Alabama.
So just me and hubby. You would think this would be easy, this would have been fun. Not an epic battle of the wills for the ages.
Now for a number of reasons we buy the pre-cut Frazier Fur. Number one of which handing over a saw to my husband never ends well…(lots of complaining.)
And like it often is with Christmas trees and me, I experienced… LOVE at FIRST SIGHT.
Nestled in amongest the others, he was BOO-TEE-FULL! All mine!!! Then hubby looked at the tree’s stature and price.
“Jamie, it’s way too tall.”

He started pointing out other wanna bees
I held firm. To be fair, I would go and look at the other tree and though they were pretty, they just weren’t like my green firry beloved.
Then I got “the Look.”

See what I was up against.
He kept saying it was too big. We called in MCHS Junior John Dustin Hawkins who was helping out with the Morgan County Baseball team loading up trees. He rounded up one of those measuring sticks which proved that the tree would indeed fit in our hall.
Hubby kept saying, “No.”
John Dustin looked to me.

You're coming home with matter what he says.
I was not going home without him. (The tree ~ my husband, I was not so sure at this point.)

Now when we got the tree home and I finished laboring with the lights, hubby agreed. Spectatular. The ornamments aren’t even on yet.
This year, I have thought…what are the three things that matter most to me about the holidays and the rest I promise myself not to stress over.
Number one would be the tree.
So when I saw him, I just knew he was special.
So special, guess what Tim Tebow will be dressed as next year for Halloween?
(Insert photograph of our tree when he’s all decked out.)
Please tell me someone can relate.
I think John is a good husband for letting u have your tree. And for taking picture of u kissing tree.
I never said he wasn’t a good husband. He was just wrong.