Unpack your suitcase young lady.

Unpack your suitcase young lady.


Linking up with MamaKat — I chose prompt number 5: What was the occasion? Write about the last time you stayed in a hotel.

Hmm. Let’s see. About a month ago, we travelled to Disney World to run a 5K as a family.

Unpacking…in hotels.

Do you or do you not?

I was never an unpacker. My suitcase from Spring Break is still on my bedroom floor. When did we get home? Dear goodness, it hasn’t been a week yet, has it?

But lately, when I get to a place, if we are staying a couple of nights, I unpack and arrange our clothes in the stiff, unnatural furnishings of a hotel.

This is a sign that even the most unstructured of humans CRAVES order.

I have gotten so that I hate clothes all jumbled up after they have been pilfered through in a suitcase by husband, children or me.

If ever there is a LAND of QUICK CHANGES, it’s Disney.

Run in, run out to the pool.

Run in, run out to eat (where’s my jacket.)

Wake up at 4…where are my running clothes? Where is that flipp’n race bib?

Chaos in a chaotic place.

I have discovered that I like the little things…like finding clean shorts. And finding clean underwear. Clean, dry socks.

Maybe occasionally a bra?

Runners are forever looking for socks at the last minute race morning. What a pain to be rifling around in a tub of a suitcase for a clean pair of rolled socks.

I feel so grown-up.

Unpacking and storing our clothes in hotels did that to me.


Do you unpack or no?



Mama’s Losin’ It

3 responses to “Unpack your suitcase young lady.”

  1. Stephanie says:

    I’m definitely un un-packer! Hotel rooms are too small for clutter. I don’t always unpack immediately when I return home, though. Maybe I’m in denial that the trip is over. We came home this past Saturday from our Spring Break trip, and I wasn’t completely unpacked until Monday.

  2. It is amazing how the little things bring such stability. I don’t unpack because that means packing, again. 🙂

  3. Kat says:

    I’m definitely not an unpacker. I’m afraid I’ll leave something behind if I take it all out! 🙂

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