This time on the run, it wasn’t about me. Or this time at the beach either.
“Isn’t Tebow coming?”
My running buddy asked me Saturday morning.
No. I hadn’t planned on taking the dog.
I was stressed and running with him pulls on my arm, which pulls on my shoulder, which starts to throb.
I don’t want anyone pulling on me for one hour — my running time. Especially an 80 pound, excited Labrador Retriever.
“No. I’m not going to bring him this morning. I just want to run in peace.”
Kim frown a bit and drawled, “But he alwaaayyys comes. He’s just part of us.”
Don’t get me wrong. I love my dog. I really do. But sometimes, he is like another child clamoring for me with more responsibilities. Sometimes I want to run just with my girlfriend and my 25-year-old newly married self.
Me 25 years ago. Before kids. Before gray hair and bad knees.
My friend was right of course. The poor dog stood at the door dying to join us.
“I’ll take him,” Kim volunteered.
There they go.
Notice who’s not looking back.
He’s so darn happy to be moving forward outside, no way he’s going to look back.
Notice who’s still not looking back.
We started to run and I enjoyed not having a stegosaurus tugging on my arm.
I felt a smidgen mommyzilla. Like when I had toddlers and was so relieved when someone offered to take them from my arms and give me a break.
Talking with friends yesterday, one very busy, working outside the home single woman mentioned she was headed to the beach with her children. She wanted nothing more to plop herself on a chair in the sand with her coffee in the morning moving only to follow the sun till five that afternoon.
But her children are not play-in-the-sand all day children. The girls want to shop the outlets and the boys want adventure. She reluctantly decided that this time at the beach it wasn’t about her. This time it was about her children. And she’s already planned a weekend trip by herself with nothing but a book, lawn chair and bathing suit.
Yes, sometimes we’ve got to leash up the dog when we’d rather go it alone. Because we love the dog, the dog needs exercise and we brought the darn creature into our home in the first place.
And a having a good friend helps.
Are there days when you just can’t take the kids with you to the store? Or times when you want to run off to the beach by yourself?

Ha! This was sooooo me on Saturday. I just wanted to lay in the backyard in my bikini (which I would never wear in public) and tan my tummy and sleep and read and drink cold cold water. It worked for a while until the neighbor kids came over and then it was a free for all in my yard with kids and dogs and screaming and trampoline jumping and sprinklers and well, I guess that what being a mom is all about.
Love this post today. Thanks sister!!!!
Debi, my son just came in and wanted me to stop everything and help him make a bow and arrow. Ha. I sent him out to find the perfect shaped rock for the arrow’s head. That might take a while. ha.
I just adore the fact that your friend offered to take him. That is a GOOD running buddy, indeed!
And yes, some time at the beach with no kids sounds great but then I wouldn’t have all the awesome photos of them playing in the sand and surf, etc. But yeah, both would be good… 😉
I so get this! I love my “alone” runs! I have run with our foster dogs before, and I love running with them, but there is also something great about getting out there alone or with a friend and just going, without another worry.
You have a great friend there!
I like grocery shopping on my own. It’s already stressful enough in a crowd, but having small ones around make me want to rush through it even more.
I can go to the beach by myself?!?! 😉
Some day Lisa. Some day. If we give ourselves permission, I have heard it does happen. 😉
I remember those days, grocery shopping with young children. In the middle of the shopping trip, it’s like — WHY THE HECK did I think I could do this?