Missing body parts. Life can be tough on a rabbit.

Missing body parts. Life can be tough on a rabbit.

Two weeks.

Easter is in two weeks. So I thought it high time to take down the St. Patty’s Day flag in front of the house and find the Easter decorations in the attic.

We don’t have lots but we have some white bunnies and chicks that I like to place around.

They end up looking silly, out of place — like one of those SwampPeople at a concert at Symphony Hall — for I have no panache for setting out tchotchkes.

But I do try to set them out and create a homey, Poorman’s Pinterest Easter atmosphere for my children.

I found these wee babes.


These were mine when I was a very little girl.

I loved their ears off. If you look close there is glue on about every part of their little brown ceramic bodies.

Seem to recall another story about a fluffy stuffed bunny who was loved to death.

Or loved to life.

Which was it?

I always forget about these babies till I unwrap them.

I loved them so.

Maybe when my ear falls off my children will still think I’m beautiful?

Their tips are starting to fray. The tips of my ears not the tips of my children.

What about you? What have you loved to pieces?



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