How a smoke — saved my triathlon career.

How a smoke — saved my triathlon career.

I’ve got this bitty triathlon tomorrow. So yesterday, late afternoon I took off on my bike.

As I headed out of town, an object in the middle of Dixie Highway caught my eye. It wasn’t a squished Amarillo, Nor a squished snake. Nor the yellow tassel that’s been on the road since graduation last month.

It was a pack of Winstons.


Even at my blistering 12 mph pace, I could see it was perfect. Not opened. Nary a scratch.


That’s what I thought when I saw it.

Smoking is bad. Smoking is evil. Smoking makes the inside of your lungs look like an ashtray at the Clermont Lounge circa 1975.

But every now and then I like a smoke. Cigars preferably. But a free Winston will do in a pinch.

My mouth salivated like Pavlov’s pup.

So I decided to turn around and get my pack.

As I turned I thought — I can make it without clipping out.

Turn, sharper turn. Oh darn. I should have unclipped.

You see, Dixie is a narrow road and three-quarters through my turn back I realized I was going down.

And down I went.

Luckily, my handlebars weren’t bent. And only my knee was torn up a bit.

My chain was knocked off though.

So as I flipped my bike over to fix the chain, what did appear?

A MIA plug.


Taken this morning as a visual aid.


It’s against all triathlon law — from the Supreme USAT Court  to the refs for this bitty sprint I’m doing tomorrow — no plugs, no race.

And of course, when I pulled along side that pristine Wintson package with bloody left knee and grease all over my fingers, it was EMPTY.

But that disappointment was minor compared to the crushing disappointment I would have felt tomorrow morning after driving an hour and a half only to be told I couldn’t race.

Once again in my life, the Lord works through a pack of Wintsons.

So now I’m off in search of a handlebar plug.

What have you got planned for this Saturday?








2 responses to “How a smoke — saved my triathlon career.”

  1. jani says:

    Oh, my goodness! That would have been devastating.

    What is a plug? Something to plug up that open end of the handlebar?

    And lastly, smoke? Really?
    We need to discuss this.

  2. Jamie Miles says:

    Yes Jani. You have to have a plug in. They fall out — or get bumped out and I never notice. And yes. I do love cigars. Lately I’ve wanted to sit on porch and gave one. Of course I have to do it in the dead of night so the children don’t see.

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